History Pin Review

History Pin Review:

I used historypin.org to investigate pinned historical sites in my area. I was surprised to see that there were few pins posted for local historical markers.

I know there are plenty of more historical locations surrounding my place of living as well as my workplace so this must be something I can complete in the future. That said, the historical location I focused on was Christ Church, Port Tobacco Parish, La Plata, MD.


The pinner was the US National Archives and not a local from the area.

Historypin’s about information is transparent about its mission and its role in maintaining cultural history.

This demonstrates that historypin.org works in partnership with libraries, archives and museum groups although individuals can join the site in maintaining a digital history about their local communities. The information the US National Archives gives for Christ Church is brief and includes an image of the Church from 1941.

I feel like more information related to Christ Church can be better given by a local. For instance, historical markers are on the property-detailing the significance of the location.

The church is also open for church services and locals can go inside to take further photography related to the location and building’s architecture.

The history pin site attempts to use place-based techniques associated with how locations change over time by placing an old photo of Christ Church over a modern day photograph. Historypin’s theory is associated with continuities and changes over time. This is made evident by the transparency scroll tool the site has in order to allow site visitors to see the similiarities and differences of the location at different historical time periods.

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